Wednesday, June 1, 2011

If Asked For A Synopsis

If an agent or publisher finds your submission intriguing, they may ask you for a synopsis.  For the best chance of having yours read, make it one page of four to five paragraphs, although it could be as long as four pages.  The first paragraph should have a "hook," something as engaging as your opening scene.  The next paragraph or two
should contain a mixture of character sketches and why they are worth reading about, interlaced with the plot highlights.  Then the core conflict should be expressed.  Note that conflict can be between persons, a conflict of values within a character, and even conflict with the environment such as in a mountain-climbing story.  Finally, the conclusion of the tale needs to end the synopsis.  It is even better if you combine the explanation of the conflict and the conclusion in one paragraph.  While you may hesitate to tell the whole story in brief, giving away the ending, no self-respecting agent or publisher will bother with your synopsis if you don't give it to them.

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