Friday, April 1, 2011

A spiritual (or ethical) will

One of the assignments in my current writing class is to do a spiritual will.  What is one you may ask?  Simply put, its information about you that you'd like to leave others for their enjoyment after you're gone.  Here is a list of topics you may want to include in a spiritual will:

1) Start with a greeting which includes who this will is for, such as, "Dear kids," or "My darling wife," etc.; 
2) Put in a section called "statement of values and beliefs."  Reflect on the values you've lived by and what gave your life meaning, then set them down in this section.
3)  Write about your meaningful life experiences, e.g., who had the biggest influence on your life?, what event changed your life?, what lessons did you learn from experience?, etc.
4)  Share memories that include those you are writing to, include how you feel about the people you are writing to.
5) End with heart-felt parting words.  Include gratitude for your loved ones, ask forgiveness if necessary, etc.

For more information on this subject, read "Ethical Wills, Putting your Values on Paper," by Barry Baines, M.D.

In case you're wondering if I'm about to pass from this life, no, I'm not.  It is just a class assignment, okay.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nancy,
    What a great idea, I will certainly give it some thought - thanks for sharing!
